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WOD DU 14.06.21

Photo du rédacteur: CrossFit La Croix-ValmerCrossFit La Croix-Valmer

Warm up : Mobility + PVC

SKill : Emom x 10Min

a) 3 Power Snatch + 3 OH Squats@85%

b) 50 D-U


Renfo : 3 Rounds

8/8 Bulgar suquat + 30" Wall Sit

12 DB Bench press + 30" Push-ups

12 DB Curl biceps + 30" Pull-up Hold

12 DB Shoulders press + 30" HS Hold



21/15 Cal row

15 Burpees box jumps over

9 Pull-ups

21/15 Cal row

15 Burpees box jumps over

9 C2B

21/15 Cal row

15 Burpees box jumps over

9 Bar M-U

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CrossFit® La Croix-Valmer

Golfe de Saint-Tropez

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